River Trent

A commission to establish objective ways of documenting colour.


From the river bank, 2022


My objectives for this commission were to test different ways of choosing colours for my work. This involved taking shade cards to the river and colour-matching to swatches. I trialled new camera equipment to increase the quality and range of my photography. It was a period of experimentation and the results were a collection of imagery, ecological research and tests for original artworks.

My long-term goals as a result of this work are to increase my knowledge of natural materials and to incorporate the production of my own materials.

I am grateful to Attenborough Arts Centre for the opportunity to spend time researching and developing my processes.


Smooth river stone, 2022

The Surface, 2022

Greenwave, 2022

Sediment, 2022


Get in touch

I’d love to hear what you think of my work and would really appreciate your first impressions and feedback. It’s always useful to understand more about how people receive my work.

Projects Overview




Manufacturing Wool