Sixteen Small Meadows

A long-term research project documenting native flowers through the Summer months at one of Britain’s most diverse wildflower sites, Rose End Meadows in Cromford, Derbyshire.


Vernal, 2023


Over three years, I am creating an archive of native British species that flourish in this declining habitat of Lowland Meadow. None of these fields have been treated with artificial fertiliser or herbicide, so it is like walking through Derbyshire one hundred years ago.

I am in the process of spinning and dyeing wool from historically local breeds of sheep to create an expansive body of new textile works that will sit alongside this photography.

The act of doing this, in the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, will encourage people to slow down, take notice, and care more for local habitats.

The project will culminate in a solo exhibition in late 2025.


Briar, 2023

Loosestrife, 2023

Dewpond, 2023

Larve, 2023


Get in touch

I’d love to hear what you think of my work and would really appreciate your first impressions and feedback. It’s always useful to understand more about how people receive my work.

Projects Overview


Isle of May Bird Observatory