Mitten Bank

A project to knit mittens and give them away for free.


Yellow mittens for a child, 2023


As a reaction to the cost of living crisis in 2023, I knit 30 pairs of mittens and gave them away for free. My aims were to donate warm items to people in need, share a small act of kindness with the world, and inspire others to make or donate.

The pattern I used was ‘Simple Mitts’ by Frankie Brown on Ravelry.

The groups who kindly distributed my mittens were Himmah Foodbank, Nottingham Women’s Centre, and the Community Orchard on St Ann’s Allotments.

A special thank you to Loop London who donated beautiful yarns for me to use.


Orange mittens for an adult, 2023


Get in touch

I’d love to hear what you think of my work and would really appreciate your first impressions and feedback. It’s always useful to understand more about how people receive my work.

Projects Overview


Blue Friday


Digital drawings